Episode 12

150 Frauds by Evolutionists


July 5th, 2024

51 mins 7 secs

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About this Episode

Marv Schaefer reintroduces Dr. Werner’s background & introduces co-host Steve Grimes

Grimes talks about Dr. Werner’s four books and how he came to write them

Dr. Werner then takes over and discusses interviewing 40 evolutionists & exposing frauds within the evolution movement. Over 150 frauds

American Museum in NY and frauds 1 & 2: 1922 the Nebraska ape man discovery proved to be wrong, and artifact was in fact a pig jaw. Tooth found in 1916 was known to be a pig tooth & William Jennings Bryant, Presidential candidate made the tooth or its discovery in 1922 in an op-ed in NY Times challenging the find as being evolutionary. The Museum President said they found the Missing Link but did not disclose it was a pig tooth or that it was found 6-years earlier.

Attorney Clarence Darrow brought out the discovery of the tooth in the famous Scopes Monkey Trial.

Then Dr. Werner covers the next ten frauds perpetrated by author of an evolutionary chart showing the evolution of early man published in Time/Life Books in 1965. “On the Road to Humans,” chart author, F. Clark Howell, made the chart and he knew 10 of the 14 ape men were not ape men.

Next how Dr. Werner exposed three frauds by Dr. Johannson’s renown Lucy Skeleton out of Africa.

Next 5-frauds were from South America and the skeletons found there and the fraudulent professor behind the lie. Smithsonian exposed these were recently human bones and not ape-men.

Next frauds were perpetrated by Dr. Raymond Dart of South Africa. All bones and tool fragments were fraudulent. Dart’s assistant went on camera with Dr. Werner and admitted that Dr. Dart stories were just good stories not based in truth. Dr. Dart wanted fame.

Most evolution scientists will not show you photographs fo what they find, but not the fossils themselves. Most such evolutionary finds are discovered to be frauds long after the scientists are dead and have collected their fame & fortune.

Dr. Louis & his son, Richard Leakey fraudulent discoveries, were quite elaborate with altered skulls. Son admitted his father and he, himself were wrong, but did not elaborate why they lied.

Evolutionary find “1470” is also a fraud. Not the original fossil and face is unattached from the skull. It was an ape-like skull with human features, but when you go around the skull, pictures show that the fossil is offset and fraudulent for it has been altered or manufactured. Leakey’s moved or mechanically altered the fossils.

Toumei skull found in Chad by Michelle Brunet and how it is fraudulent. Scientist would not allow copies of CAT Skan, photos of it, or to see the skull itself. His research partner provided photographs of the skull. It was not found in rock but laying on top of the sand in the desert in Chad. Bones found proximity of the skull was that of an ape.

Then Marv recommends visiting the website of Dr. Werner, www.thegrandexperiment.com Dr. Werner suggests those new to creationism buy & watch the videos and those who are more advanced in their studies buy his books, and homeschoolers go through curriculum. All four of his books are the curriculum, and kids 6th grade and above that grade, love them.

Dr. Wernert discusses what motivates him and it’s not money. But, he wants children educated in the truth.

Adults stream the 8-videos, human creation is covered in the last 6-videos. Questions can be addressed to [email protected]. All episode missouricreation.com/podcasts. Or visit:Missouricreation.com