Episode 11

Evidence of Biblical Creation in the Fossil Record


May 22nd, 2024

46 mins 2 secs

Your Host

About this Episode

Steve talks about the Creation frauds Dr. Werner uncovered in his books and debunked that have been perpetrated on the public.
Marv then introduces Dr. Werner along with his credentials.
Dr. Werner explains how he came into the church and his belief in Creationism via the backdoor. Then, he attended medical school at age 18 & the first day they discussed evolution, and he bought the theories hook, line and sinker.
He thought he knew science and a friend started asking him questions about what he knew about evolution and creation over pizza. Through the conversation and questions asked of him that evening, Dr. Werner decided he did not know as much about science as he thought.
He then began to question himself about how life begins, and how life was formed here on earth. He then decided to believe in God and the Biblical version of creation and it took 6-months to come to the conclusion to become a Christian. The science caused him to conclude God had to be our creator.
He began to research Creationism in earnest, but he was not finding the answers he was searching for so he decided to write a book on Creationism.
So, 18-years after getting out of medical school it took him 27-years to finally collect the data, do the research and write the book.

Werner then talked about that first book.

He debunked the theories of the fossil record by evolutionists.
Steve Grimes then recommends that people start with Dr. Werner’s 1st book… Evolution: The Grand Experiment: The Quest for an Answer Illustrated Edition.

(Amazon Link: (https://www.amazon.com/Evolution-Grand-Experiment-Carl-Werner/dp/0892216816))
Then, in his series of books, Dr. Werner then discusses the second book: Vol2, Living Fossils…
Dr. Werner explains his thinking about how he approached that 2nd book.
Then, he discusses the Biblical Flood and how evolutionists hide evidence to preserve the theory of evolution.
Evolutionists hide fossils they could not explain that were found with the dinosaurs.

Then, Dr. Werner discusses his latest books, his third & fourth in the series.
Discussed how he worked on all the books at the same time over a long period of years…
Third book: Untold Stories of Human Evolution
Dr. Werner’s website: https://www.thegrandexperiment.com/book-series

Then, Dr. Werner, Steve Grimes & Marv Schaefer discuss….
Book 4 in the Series: Nine Categories Of Overturned Ape-Men
How Evolutionists committed fraud sometimes intentional & some unintentional…150 known frauds.
Then, Dr. Werner discusses how his entire life quest that the whole field of human evolution is flawed and the whole theory of naturalism collapsed.
Then, the three discuss the setup for Part 2 of this podcast.
Marv: Wraps up….

All Books & videos in the Series can be found at this link: