Marv Schaefer
Host of Show Me Creation
The Missouri Association for Creation (M.A.C.) was founded in 1972 by two graduate students at the University of Missouri in Columbia. These students felt a need to establish a forum from which they could critically examine the scientific evidence as it pertains to the origin of the cosmos in general, and living organisms in particular. They found that a critical evaluation of the scientific evidence for both models, creation and evolution, was rarely attempted in the science classroom or in any instructional materials then in use. To satisfy their own curiosity and enthusiasm they met monthly with other interested students, faculty, and members of the local community to hear invited speakers and hold discussions and debates. As the name chosen for the organization suggests, they were convinced on the basis of their own study that a careful consideration of the scientific evidence overwhelmingly favors a creation model over an evolutionary model of origins.
Marv Schaefer has hosted 14 Episodes.
Show Me Creation Episode 14 Part Two
September 6th, 2024 | 35 mins 31 secs
What is DNA?- God’s greatest invention. It’s intricacies, how it survives & gets pass along between generations.
13: Interview with Dr. Joel Brown, Part 1
August 1st, 2024 | 32 mins 57 secs
Part one of an episode with Dr. Brown.
12: 150 Frauds by Evolutionists
July 5th, 2024 | 51 mins 7 secs
Tune in to hear Grimes talk about Dr. Werner’s four books and how he came to write them.
11: Evidence of Biblical Creation in the Fossil Record
May 22nd, 2024 | 46 mins 2 secs
creationism, evolution, fossils, science
Dr. Werner discusses Biblical creation, and debunks evolutionary theories of the fossil record.
Show Me Creation Episode 10
November 10th, 2023 | 25 mins 27 secs
adam, creation, death
Episode 10 of Show Me Creation hosted by Zachary Klein with guest, Dr. Stephen Lloyd of the Biblical Creation Trust in the UK talking about Chronological Creationism by answering the question, Which Came First Adam or Death?
Show Me Creation Episode 9
October 26th, 2023 | 20 mins 37 secs
conference, creationist
Presentations that Paul gave at the UCCA for the ICC-International Creation Conference.
Show Me Creation Episode 8
October 2nd, 2023 | 20 mins 5 secs
conference, creation
Tune in to hear about the International Conference on Creationism at Cedarville, OH., and why it’s a great conference.
Mastodon State Historic site
August 4th, 2023 | 41 mins 42 secs
creation, history, mastodon
Zachary Klein introduces the Mastodon State Historic site and why it is important to the Ice Age and the Biblical record.
6: The James Webb Telescope
June 29th, 2023 | 35 mins 17 secs
The James Webb Telescope and what it is revealing about our ever-expanding universe.
Show Me Creation Episode 5
May 17th, 2023 | 37 mins 21 secs
Steve talks about what baramins are and who created classifications for all species definitions.
Show Me Creation Episode 4
April 25th, 2023 | 35 mins 6 secs
Marv uses both absurdity and humor to press important points in his presentations. They are entertaining and thought-provoking for young adults as well as long-time believers.
3: MAC Zoo Tour
March 10th, 2023 | 18 mins 13 secs
Marv interviews Scott Jarus about the bi-annual tour hosted by MAC at the St. Louis Zoo and God's incredible creativity in the animal kingdom.
2: 'Genealogical Adam & Eve’ hypothesis with Dr. Marcus Ross
February 23rd, 2023 | 40 mins 17 secs
creation, paleontologist
Zak continues our interview Dr. Marcus Ross, creation paleontologist, on the subject of the historical Adam.
1: The Importance of Biblical Creation with Dr. Marcus Ross
January 5th, 2023 | 45 mins 9 secs
biblical creation, genesis, paleontology, young earth
Dr. Marcus Ross, creation paleontologist, Speaks on the subject of the importance of Genesis, the Flood, and Biblical Creation.