Episode 14

Show Me Creation Episode 14 Part Two


September 6th, 2024

35 mins 31 secs

Your Host

About this Episode

What is DNA?- God’s greatest invention. It’s intricacies, how it survives & gets pass along between generations.

DNA is better thought of as a chain of paper dolls like you used to cut out as a kid. So, it’s really a chain of four letters G, T, C, A.

DNA is a series of complex codes that is a long string of letters. DNA is a code or the software, but it’s really a set of instructions that run an entire cell.

Example: Code is 3.2 billion letters long. Dr. Brown them gives a read out on what one gene (444 letter long -hemoglobin) looks or sounds like….the DNA tell the cell how to manufacture the protein.

Humans are one gene multiplied by 20,000. All the cells of our body systems have the same DNA that operate & regulate everything in our bodies.

God programmed the DNA to replicate (divide) from one cell into a full grown, fully developed organism. It’s an absolute miracle.

DNA is the strongest argument for evolution & the strongest argument against evolution. Dr. Brown goes on to explain. Both sides claim DNA’s relevance to their arguments. Why both sides claim DNA for their argument.

Why God designed our DNA the way he did with shared DNA. Shared DNA allows us to study other organisms to figure out our own biology. Demonstrates God’s genius.

Evolutionists use DNA in their argument, but they could not create life by chance-whereas all life has divine design or intelligence behind it.

Dr. Brown then gives us his favorite example of God’s divine design-he then gives his LEGO analogy.

Joel then recites from Revelation 4:11

Marv & Steve wish Dr. Brown well in his new assignment in Arizona,

(Use all bio & website information from Part 1 with Dr. Brown.)